
Revolutionize Your Web Development: Mastering Modern Apps with Remix

Chapters (3)

Chapter 1


Introduction to Remix

Chapter Progress

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A Walk Through History: The Past, Present & Future of Web Development

10 XP

Learn how the world of web development has evolved over the years and how frontend frameworks have transformed the way we build web applications. Discover the limitations of older frameworks and the need for more modern tools like to keep up with the fast-paced world of web development. By the end of this lesson, you'll have a solid understanding of why Remix is a framework of the future!

The Philosophy of Remix: Introduction to Modern Web Development

12 XP

Experience the zen within the philosophy of Remix, and how it solves the problems faced by web developers. You'll also get an overview of the unique features of Remix, such as its focus on web standards, modern web app UX, and its use of the Web Fetch API instead of Node.

Project Blueprint: Introducing the IndieNotes Project

10 XP

In this lesson, you'll set up your very own personal Remix project, IndieNotes, a simple note-taking app, which will be the centerpiece of your learning experience throughout the course. By working on this project, you'll gain hands-on experience implementing Remix’s features such as nested routing, optimized data loading, and working with a unified server-client runtime.

Exploring Deployment Horizons: Launching your Remix App to the world

10 XP

Learn about the deployment options available for your Remix app and seamlessly take it from development to production. Explore various hosting platforms and serverless environments, ensuring that your app is accessible, reliable, and high-performing. Then we will deploy the application on a managed platform or on the edge after weighing their pros and cons.

Chapter 2


Remixology: The Superpowers of a Modern Web Framework

Chapter Progress

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Streamline Data Retrieval: Mastering the Remix Loader Function

12 XP

Unlock the full potential of Remix's data loading capabilities and watch your app soar! In this lesson, discover the power of useLoaderData hook, and say goodbye to slow loading times.

Simplified Mutations: Embrace the native web API

12 XP

Unlock the seamlessness of the original native web API and streamline your development process with Remix. In this lesson, you'll learn how to use the useFetcher and useActionData hooks to handle form submissions and make your app development more efficient.

Load only what you need: Nested routes

12 XP

Supercharge your Remix app with lightning-fast routing! In this lesson, you'll dive deep into the basic routing structure of Remix and uncover the power of nested routing. Discover how it can optimize your app's performance and provide a seamless experience for your users.

Error Boundaries: Gotta Catch ’Em All

10 XP

Steel the walls of your application through debugging with error boundaries! In this lesson, you'll learn about route-based error boundaries and how they can help you quickly pinpoint and isolate errors, while allowing the rest of your application to run smoothly.

Cache Control: The most underrated and simple technique to make your app faster

10 XP

Buckle up and discover the simple technique of cache control, and how it can accelerate your app's speed. In this lesson, you'll learn how to optimize your app's performance with cache control and make it blazingly fast for your users.

Rise to the Top: Elevating SEO with Remix

10 XP

You will be amazed at how a few simple tweaks to your Remix app can dramatically improve its visibility on search engines. Learn how to add meta tags and use Remix's SEO-friendly features to boost your search engine rankings and drive more traffic to your site.

Chapter 3


Advanced Remix: Taking it to the next level

Chapter Progress

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Optimistic UI: No more spinners

12 XP

Uncover the power of the Optimistic UI pattern, which provides immediate feedback to the user and creates the experience of a slick web app. You'll also discover how to easily implement this pattern in your Remix app.

Resource Routes: Load anything you want

12 XP

Explore resource routes - the ultimate tool to serve anything you want, from PDFs to XMLs. In this lesson, you'll discover how to add resource routes to your app, and even create a sitemap using them, making your app more discoverable and SEO-friendly.

Write Markdown in Remix: You can do what?!

10 XP

Elevate your Remix app's content with the power of Markdown. This lesson will show you how to incorporate Markdown content in your app, enabling you to deliver crisp and visually appealing content that will captivate your users.

React 18 Streaming: Make your app even faster by streaming it

15 XP

Harness the power of React 18's new streaming capabilities and unlock a whole new level of performance optimization for your Remix app. In this lesson, you'll discover how to use these cutting-edge features and what tradeoffs are involved

Pushing your limits: Performance tips

Coming on the third week of September

15 XP

Push the limits of performance by leveraging prefetching, caching, edge optimization, and several other performance tweaks to take your app to the next level.