MFS201 : Table of Contents

Chapter 4

Lesson 5

Domain Over Data: How to Design Scalable GraphQL APIs

Learn how to design GraphQL APIs that scale with your application, focusing on domain-driven design. Understand best practices for organizing your schema, structuring your resolvers, and managing complex relationships between types.

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An API is rarely built and consumed in isolation. It touches various stakeholders — from clients consuming the API to product teams shaping the requirements. Irrespective of the API complexity and the immediate expectations, designing APIs on a solid foundation goes a long way.

Some of the critical metrics that affect the quality of an API:

  • design: how we design the API has the most impact on the immediate quality of the API,
  • maintain: if we can maintain the API with minimal tech debt and human dependencies,
  • extend: if we can accommodate new features and modifications with ease.
  • A good design demands a detailed understanding of the product requirements and involving all stakeholders. Maintainability goes hand-in-hand with communicating the API design and implementation decisions with ease. Finally, the agility and scalability of the development dictate how extensible the API is.

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