Deploy Next.js Apps on AWS in 2 minutes using Serverless Stack (SST): A Step-by-Step Guide

Learn how to deploy a Next.js application on Amazon Web Services (AWS) in 2 minutes using the Serverless Stack (SST) framework. Follow this comprehensive tutorial to learn about configuration, optimization, and best practices for a seamless, scalable, and cost-effective deployment of your Next.js projects in the cloud.

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Next.js is the most popular web framework on top of React.

Next.js has become a top choice for web developers seeking to quickly and easily deploy React applications. With its intuitive API, powerful features, and strong community support, Next.js has been the go-to framework of choice for modern web development over the past five years. Since its launch in 2016, awareness of Next.js has grown to an impressive 98%, with nearly half of developers using it today and 90% continuing to use it despite other options available.

For those looking to take their web applications even further, deploying Next.js onto Amazon Web Services (AWS) can be a great way to add more scalability and flexibility into the mix - allowing users to run their app on demand while taking advantage of AWS's robust infrastructure. In this article we will look at how you can deploy your Next.js application onto AWS with a set of key functionalities:

Lives on edge.

The application should be closest to the user and served by a blazing-fast cloud provider. We will measure this with Time to first byte (TTFB).


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